Make a Donation
OWLS relies on fundraising to keep itself afloat. Your support can make a big difference. By making a donation you will allow us to continue providing children access, enjoyment and education of the outdoors. With sufficient funds we can work with an even wider group of young people, providing after school clubs and public events all across Dublin and its surroundings. We want to get as many kids as possible outside, learning about nature and having FUN! We would like to continue to do this by providing services such as nature studies programmes in primary schools, after school clubs, community group and special needs group programmes.
We are currently taking donations through the "just giving" website which is a safe and secure method of donating. We will make sure that any donation you make goes a long way! Thank you for your support.
OWLS Would Love a Site!
Donations to OWLS come in many forms, and each donation is used to help us educate children and families about our wildlife, our habitats and our environment. Your support and generosity helps us give nature a future.
We work in green spaces and parks around Dublin, Meath, Louth and Wicklow but we have felt a growing need in recent years to procure some land. We are increasingly concerned that every wild space and untended piece of land is being sold for human gain. Such activity in our own local area recently has strengthened our resolve to obtain land.
A wild space in an urban area that once supported numerous birds, butterfly, bee, dragonfly and insect species, pond species, rabbits and hares and this spring for the first time a nursing fox and her cubs was cleared to build on. Nature is being lost. At a time when climate change and biodiversity loss are constantly discussed, we wish to take action.
We would love to create a nature reserve that could be OWLS’ teaching ground and a place for children and families to learn about and enjoy nature. A spot that would provide a sanctuary for native species and a place that would protect biodiversity as well as being a site to run events and classes on. A space that children could protect, conserve and experience.
Could you help? Do you know someone who could? We would like to acquire land by gift or through let at a peppercorn rent. We will consider any size and shape. Help children to learn about our native flora and fauna and how to support it. Could you donate some land to OWLS?
If you would like to help, please contact us through email at info@owls.ie or ring Andrew ‘Mouse’ on 087 3299936 and we would love to discuss our wishes and plans with you.